If you are using Windows 10 and need some simple, handy reminders about work, appointments, calls and more, synced across all your devices and other apps, Microsoft’s Sticky Notes app can help. Here’s how it works:
– Open the Sticky Notes app (type Sticky Notes in the Start menu).
– When you first launch Sticky Notes sign-in to your Windows Account (as invited by the on-screen message). This will enable the syncing of your Sticky Notes between other devices on the account.
– Click on the + link to type a note which is then automatically stored in the Sticky Notes History. Your notes can then be clicked on to re-open, edit, formatted and more.
– Notes can also be synchronised to the Cloud by going to the History window, clicking on the Settings icon and signing in with your Microsoft account.
– If you move to another device with recent Windows updates (from 10 October 2018) installed you should be able to see your stored, synched Sticky Notes.